Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Feeling loopy

So, after pregnancy you get very hormonal or at least they are supposed to be leaving your body since it is no longer inhabited by a little person. I find that I vacillitate between happy, sad and ANGRY very often. I find that I am highly overprotective and jealous! Yes, jealous. I am going to admit it. I feel fat, unsexy and finding it hard to drop the baby weight. Therefore I become this crazy person who is deep in self doubt. I DO NOT LIKE THIS PERSON! I wasn't always the most confident woman but for some reason during pregnancy I felt like the most gorgeous woman around. Must have been the hormones. Now the hormones are gone and I am left feeling exposed and insecure. I am trying to be a better woman but it is hard and feeling like my feelings aren't validated at home. This makes me angry and sad.
I needed to really find a way to vent. Even if no one ever reads this.