Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Feeling loopy

So, after pregnancy you get very hormonal or at least they are supposed to be leaving your body since it is no longer inhabited by a little person. I find that I vacillitate between happy, sad and ANGRY very often. I find that I am highly overprotective and jealous! Yes, jealous. I am going to admit it. I feel fat, unsexy and finding it hard to drop the baby weight. Therefore I become this crazy person who is deep in self doubt. I DO NOT LIKE THIS PERSON! I wasn't always the most confident woman but for some reason during pregnancy I felt like the most gorgeous woman around. Must have been the hormones. Now the hormones are gone and I am left feeling exposed and insecure. I am trying to be a better woman but it is hard and feeling like my feelings aren't validated at home. This makes me angry and sad.
I needed to really find a way to vent. Even if no one ever reads this.

1 comment:

  1. I'm here girl... it was always hard finding time to get together and our lives have taken sort of different roads, which has made it even harder to keep our friendship active. And now we are both moms! And forget it, once you're a mom you barely have time to use the bathroom, especially as working moms, it takes a toll on everything.. even our emotions. I myself have been going through a period of depression, b/c as you know ever since going back to work last year I have been very unhappy, and I see no light at the end of the tunnel, which has been making me feel outright angry myself! I am glad to see that you have found a place to vent, and a place where an old friend can validate your feelings. We may not have time to meet up after work or spontaneously make plans, but I want you to know my heart is with you and that you are on my mind, I am sorry you are feeling this way, all I can offer is the fact that I can relate and that things will get better. Just do what I do at the end of a bad day, look down at your little one and soak up the joy they give you (you may not want to do this when she is crying, lol).
